Friday, September 23, 2011

My Facebook Frustrations

Editors Note:  This blog was started in September so it's a little dated but it's my blog and I can do what ever I want so there!

Ridiculous!!!! That's what I have to say about Facebook's recent changes. Now please understand me, I'm not saying that Facebook is ridiculous. They are their own company that markets social services to millions of people world wide. I am one user- who am I to tell them how to program and distribute their own product?  No, the thing I think is so ridiculous is the reaction of the Facebook-ers. WOW! Resistent to change much?

The reason I am writing this here and not on Facebook is that this is my blog and I am allowed to post my opinion about any subject without fear of offending someone. That doesn't mean it is my goal to offend- quite the contrary, you'll find that most of the opinions posted here are done so with tongue firmly implanted in cheek. They are designed more to induce laughter than to trigger offense. If I were to post this on Facebook I would have to be a little more subtle, so as not to offend any of the people on whose comments I am further commenting. Again, I mean not to offend but to simply entertain. Here though, I have the freedom of being as blunt as I wish.

That being said, ENOUGH ALREADY !!! I am so sorry that your life has been thrown off kilter because one of your favorite products has reimagined their format. Did you get this upset when they tried to introduce "new" coke? Surely the days of "crystal" Pepsi were dark indeed but we didn't grab a pitch fork and torch and lay seige to any factories. No, we just dealt with it and moved on. That is the same spirit we now must adopt if we are going to survive the great Face-book lift of 2011.

I have to be honest, the changes don't really bother me at all. Much like none of the other changes have significantly affected or altered my life. All it is, really, is a major corporation seeking to make it's product better by their standards. How can you have the temerity to be up in arms about it? You may be wondering why they didn't consult you. I imagine that it's for the same reason Diet Coke doesn't call my wife anytime they roll out a change to their product or distribution. It's because they don't really care what you think. As long as people continue to use their product they are going to continue making changes.

Now, I understand there are concerns over privacy. If you are one of those who is worried about some random friend of a friend seeing that you've posted something on your common friend's wall then just stop posting. It's not like there is some guy waiting to see what you've posted. Waiting patiently to read the perfect comment that let's him know you are alone or that your home is vacant. I know this sort of thing does happen on occasion. But the truth is that if a friend of mine sees that you are going to Bolivia for a week you don't really have to worry about him breaking into your house.  I don't associate with such disreputable people.  If you're that concerned about your privacy you probably shouldn't be on a "social" media site in the first place. Just go back to boring the snot out of your friends and family by inviting them over and having an old fashioned slide show of your vacation or your kids graduation from the first semester of Kindergarten.

The truth of the matter is that in a few months time you won't even notice the changes that Facebook made.  You'll just go about your normal life without the heart pains that now grip your chest.  That is until Facebook once again changes its format a little to keep up with other social media sites.  At which point all of you will once again clamor for Mr. Zuckerberg to change it back to the way it was before, which may I remind you, is the very thing you so vitriolically oppose presently.

Time Passes....

I've decided to pick up this article once again because after having read it again, I no longer remember who it was specifically that set me off (truthfully it was probably no one particular person) and compelled me to decry the outrage at the Facebook changes.

I would also like to point out that all of the "Boycott Facebook until they change it back" and "Why, Mark Why?" pages have been removed and life has once again stabilized.  It is because we do what we always have done.  We get comfortable, someone comes and changes up the schedule and we complain and cry, "unfair" and demand restoration.  Then we get used to it and forget how it used to be and wonder how we ever got along without things the way they are now.

I beg your forgiveness for the dated nature of this post and the fact that it is largely irrelevant.  There are a few funny lines here so I thought I'd share it anyway.  I guess I could have just waited until the next time Facebook moves the profile picture from the top right to the bottom left and World War III breaks out.  But let's hope everyone reads this first and saner heads prevail.